Jay Blackman is the Director of Educational Technology for Tri-Creek School Corporation in Lowell, Indiana. In his role Jay oversees the selection, implementation, and maintenance of technology and instruction for over 3300 students and 400 staff. Tri-Creek is in its’ 7th year of an instructional program incorporates a project-based learning framework with 1 to 1 technologies. In 2015 Tri-Creek was recognized as an Apple Distinguished Program district-wide, one of a few in the state of Indiana. Jay also leads teams responsible for technology grantwriting, data collection and integration, district operations, and online learning programs. Jay has been recognized as a 2017 Apple Distinguished Educator, a 2015 National School Boards Association Technology Leadership Network “20 To Watch” leader, a 2009 Google Certified Innovator, and the 2011 Illinois Computing Educators Outstanding Educator of the Year.