November 18, 2020

4:00pm EDT
Middletown Public Schools in Connecticut serves more than 4,500 students and is dedicated to unlocking the potential in all students. The district developed its Future Ready Schools®technology plan as a supplement to the district’s strategic operating plan Middletown 2021: Keys to Innovation and Equity. Throughout the process, district leaders examined the strategic operating plan to ensure the gears and goals of the technology plan aligned with the goals and strategies outlined in the strategic operating plan. The plan ties technology into all of the offices and departments in the district and creates an environment where technology supports the various departments. Collaboration between departments and a unified district vision are keys to the district’s many successes.
Middletown’s FRS technology plan is at the core of the district’s transformation efforts as key decisions are made. In recent months, as the district developed its return-to-school plan, it leveraged the gears of the Future Ready Framework as the structure to ensure a cohesive, in-depth, sustained effort.
During the webinar the guests will
- highlight the district’s evolution;
- share how they are breaking down equity-related barriers to support all students;
- share components of the district’s FRS plan and its impact on decisionmaking at the district level; and
- offer insight into where they are going next as they navigate the current global pandemic.
- Michael T. Conner,EdD, Superintendent,Middletown Public Schools (CT)(@DocConner13)
- Michael Skott,CETL, Director of Technology Services, Middletown Public Schools (CT)(@greatskott)
- Raymond Linehan, Network Manager, Middletown Public Schools (CT)
- Damian Dontfraid, Educational Technologist,Middletown Public Schools (CT)(@DamianD_MPStech)
- Thomas C. Murray, Director of Innovation,Future Ready Schools®(@thomascmurray) (moderator)
Photo by Allison Shelley/The Verbatim Agency for American Education: Images of Teachers and Students in Action
For questions about the webinar, contact Lia Dossin.